25 March 2020
As of Monday 23 March, Bowls New Zealand require ALL bowling clubs to cease ALL activity (until further notice).
All facilities, including the Club House and equipment sheds at the Club, are now locked.
Over the next 4 weeks we are being asked to be diligent with the Government’s request for self-isolation, in pursuit of keeping everyone safe and free of the virus.
If you go to the Club for any exercise you must absolutely respect both the requirements and spirit of the Government’s Level 4 self-isolation prescriptions and Bowls NZ directives and there are to be no more than one person (or couple living together) at a time on any rink and there are to be no more than three rinks used per green ensuring there is at least one unused rink between those being used. You will need to take all your own gear as there is no access to mats or jacks.
We have a number in our bowls community who live alone and/or are isolated from their family and friends due to Covid-19. Please, pick up the phone, connect by email or Facebook – look out for your fellow bowlers.
President Tere